世界で愛読されているワインスペクテイター(WS)でWine of the Yearを獲得する過去を持つ彼はカリフォルニア大学アーヴァイン校で生物学を専攻し、デイヴィス校で生態系を学び博士号を持っています。講師の紹介でナパのJoseph Phelps (ジョセフ・フィリップス)で葡萄のフェノリックのデータ分析を担当していたのがきっかけとなりワインメーカーとなった彼。科学的なアプローチと自然の力を融合させる知識の持ち主。
B Wise でリリースされているそれぞれのラインナップはどれも生産量が少なく、『一人握りのダイアモンド』のようなワインを作りたいという思いが込めれらています。
B Wise(ビィー・ワイズ)
Brion Wise(ブライオン・ワイズ)
Ronda West Wise(ロンダ・ウェスト・ワイズ)
Massimo Monticelli (マッシモ・モンティチェーリ)
Mark Herold(マーク・ヘロルド)
Enrique Castillo(エンリケ・カスティーロ)
Moon Mountain(ムーン・マウンテン)
Sonoma County(ソノマ・カウンティー)
High atop Moon Mountain is B Wise Vineyards, a sweeping 100-acre estate in the heart of Sonoma Cab-country. They say great wine starts in the vineyard and when you look out over the steep rows of meticulously hand-tended vines of B Wise, you start to understand why. With steep, rock strewn slopes of red volcanic soil, hot sunny days and ocean-cooled nights, one could easily mistake this beautiful place for Napa Valley. So it comes as little surprise that the quality and accolades for the B Wise are on par with those often reserved for Napa wineries. The wines however, are all Sonoma. They are balanced and terroir driven… expressive, red-fruited beauties with floral aromatics grounded with earthen minerality.
Guided by the hands of winemaking powerhouses, Mark Herold (of Merus fame) and Massimo Monticelli (of Silver Oak), these wines speak volumes about what Cabernet can be in this part of the world. Nothing short of outstanding.
Owner Brion Wise, has been making wines from his mountain estate since 2002, working quietly and without compromise while perfecting his vineyards, and his craft. Brion now makes more than a dozen different red wines and one beautiful Rosé.