
永年、Ovidでお世話になったJanet Paganoさんが、BrandのCOOに就任され、心強い味方が、増えました。
最近は、ナパに来る度にゲストハウスを提供頂いているGandonaのオーナーManuel Piresさん、心強いサポーターです。
いつもご自宅に招いて頂き、BBQパーティを開催頂く、こころ優しいMacauleyのオーナーMac Watsonさん。
ワイナリーを訪問すると大好きなヘイロン・トマトを振る舞ってくれるKinsellaのRichard Smockさん、美人の奥様Ilyaさんとご参加頂きました。
Drinkward Peschonのワインメーカーのお二人、Francoise Peschonさんは、Araujoのワインメーカーで有名で、最近では、Araujo Familyの新しいプロジェクターAccendoのワインメーカーでもあります。
Lisa Drinkwardさんは、Behrens Familyのワインメーカーで、知られており、ママさんワインメーカーのCabernet Sauvignonのテイストは、絶妙です。
Greg Gregoryさんは、ワインビジネスをスタートした時からの友人で、ワインビジネスに精通されており、いつもワイン関係者をご紹介頂く心強いサポーターです。
今回もRealmのワインメーカーで有名なBenoit Touquetteさんをご紹介頂き、Benoitさんも奥様のNikitaさんと飛び入り参加頂きました。
彼のご自分のワイナリーのワインFait Mainのテイスティングをさせて頂きました'。
Premier Napa Memorial Dinner hosted by California Wine Club!
We expressed our gratitude to the winery staff who are indebted to us on a daily basis, and talked about our future business.
It was a very pleasant day for us to meet with great wine people.
Introduce the attendees.
Janet Pagano, who has been indebted to Ovid for many years, has been appointed COO of Brand, and her strong ally has increased.
Recently, Gandona owner Manuel Pires, who offers guesthouses every time I come to Napa, is a encouraging supporter.
Mac Watson, the owner of Macauley, who is always invited to his home and holds a BBQ party.
When I visited the winery, I was attended by Richard Smock of Kinsella and his wife Ilya of Kinsella, who behaved her favorite Hiron tomatoes.
Two winemakers from Drinkward Peschon, Francoise Peschon, are famous for Araujo winemakers and, more recently, the winemaker of The Accendo, a new projector for Araujo Family.
Lisa Drinkward are
Behrens Family winemaker, known and mama's winemaker Cabernet Sauvignon's taste is exquisite.
Greg Gregory has been a friend since I started the wine business, is well versed in the wine business and is a encouraging supporter of wine professionals.
This time, he introduced Benoit Touquette, who is famous for its realm winemakers, and Benoit also jumped in with his wife Nikita.
I was allowed to taste the wine Fait Main of his winery